Solar Water Pumps: A Step Towards Sustainable Irrigation
Solar products have made access to energy for millions of people, especially in energy-deficient regions. And the advancing solar technology, like the solar water pumps, has brought the conversation of sustainability, to the forefront. One of the most remarkable benefits of water pumps is their contribution to the agriculture sector. Its use for agricultural activities has not only given access to energy to those living in remote locations but has also taken a step further towards sustainable energy usage. We can say that solar water pumps have revolutionized the irrigation systems, by helping farmers increase crop yields and income, and also making them more climate-resilient. The last few years have seen a rapid surge in innovation within the segment of water pump solar in Morayfield . Apart from increasing the income levels, it has been observed that it has created new value chains, thus generating more employment. Environmental benefits of solar water pumps As cli...